Friday, November 14, 2008

growing tummy

Well, my tummy is starting to grow, or stretch at least. My skin has been itching on my stomach and sides, so I'm assuming it's from this growth spurt. I bought some Palmer's organic "Tummy Butter" which is supposed to help prevent/relieve stretch marks. I found that it was kind of grainy, cold and hard to rub on, so I've devised a little trick. I've been heating it up with my blow dryer's hot air for a few seconds and it melts it just enough to smooth it out for easy spreading...and it's not cold on my skin.

Also, some of my socks that I will use for the baby sock advent calendar (see previous post) have arrived.Update (11.23): Found more socks for this project from Old Navy:

Update (11.25): Added metal ring tags and stamped numbers on them. Can't wait to see what everybody's socks look like!

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