Saturday, October 18, 2008

It's positive!

Don was at an out-of-state military drill weekend. When he called before flying home, I told him that I would see him at the airport and we had to make one other stop on the way home, to buy a pregnancy test. We stopped at a local pharmacy near our house and browsed through the different types of tests...ones with lines, ones with digital readouts, etc. We settled on an easy-to-read ClearBlue Easy test - pack of three - that would read "pregnant" or "not pregnant" on a digital screen. After taking the first test, it came back posititve. We were excited, hugged, and I shed a few tears, too. We were in disbelief! Were we really going to be parents?! What a life-changing moment! We hadn't even been trying to conceive yet! But, it was a happy surprise! Just to make sure, I took another test right before bed. We timed it...only 23 seconds before it came back postitive! After that test, we were pretty convinced that we were expecting!
(photo taken on 8.18.08 with a pair of cute little bunny slippers)

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